Chiller Staging on Measured Capacity

I have a thought for chiller staging by capacity. Why not measure a chiller's capacity every time another chiller stages up? After all, that's as much as the chiller has just proven it can do after accounting for whatever shape it's in.

Note: This approach appears to be suited best to positive displacement (PD) machines such as screws and scrolls, though a modified version for centrifugal machines also appears feasible.

Staging up, of course, is necessary - running enough chillers to meet the load is essential. Staging down is also necessary - to keep chillers within acceptable operation to avoid surge, low flow, and/or poor performance. Staging up can be simple, as waiting a few minutes after failure to meet set point.

Staging down is much tougher, because knowing the "right" time to do it depends on the chiller characteristics and current operation. Commonly, people set a chiller motor current low limit, as %FLA, when a chiller will stage off after a timer is satisfied. However, the correlation of current to load changes drastically with changing condenser conditions. Since we should be taking advantage of that "relief" in the condenser generally, FLA isn't the first choice any more. We have moved into a new paradigm, that of staging based on measured load vs. capacity. This means we stage a chiller off when doing so will improve efficiency AND the remaining chillers have capacity to meet the load.

Exploration of Concept
Measured thermal load is straightforward. Though the accuracy and the placement of temperature and flow sensors can be an issue, let's assume we have this reasonably accurate (see Notes below for more on that).

What about capacity, which isn't always exactly as per the design, the nameplate, or even the manufacturer's published data? Let's ignore the variable capacity of a centrifugal machine vs lift, for this post. For a PD machine, capacity is a function of at least:

  1. Suction condition, which is reasonably constant due to generally stable set points for leaving chilled water.
  2. Bypass, in the mechanical imperfections of the machine. This can change with wear and oil maintenance issues, though admittedly I haven't studied out or measured how much.
  3. Refrigerant charge, which we know does change with leaks and is affected by incorrect charge.
  4. Heat Exchanger Condition, which changes over time especially on the condenser
  5. Capacity control, which for now we'll assume is always at 100% speed/slide valve/load valves etc.

With several potential drift factors above, why not just take the capacity of the chiller to be whatever it most recently delivered, in the last X minutes before a lag chiller was staged up? This has benefits:

  1. It gives a more accurate picture of the proper stage-down, which is the point of this post... possibly avoiding short-cycling (when capacity is lower than expected) or avoiding missed savings when capacity is higher than expected.
  2. It offers a chance to observe changes in capacity, as a check on maintenance condition.

Over time, we can then establish a chiller's capacity as a function of lift conditions. If that curve changes, we can also flag it as a service issue.

Since this is a new thought, I welcome comments and questions - please feel free to poke holes in my idea.

Notes, By the Way...

  • This same discussion can apply to refrigeration compressors that don't even make chilled water, for flooded or DX systems.
  • The accuracy of the measurement of flow and temperature is less of an issue here. Why? The flow and temperature sensors are used in both the load measurement and in the capacity measurement, so errors are systematically neutralized - which sounds more awesome than offset.
  • I've left this open for centrifugals, as they are more complex. Still, think of this - last known good full-load capacity as a function of lift could come in mighty handy when staging single-stage or VFD chillers that are best staging up well before full load; the issue there is if you keep them out of full load, you'll never know... maybe that's for a later post.

Lifespan of HVAC Equipment

How long should that equipment last - chillers, pumps, packaged DX rooftops etc? There are many reasons to want to know, including energy management. After all, if you have to replace equipment anyway - the marginal cost to upgrade can be reduced to the real cost in the cash flows for IRR analysis. 

There's a free resource for that, courtesy of dues-paying and research-supporting ASHRAE members worldwide. Here's the link: 

This comes from ASHRAE Applications Handbook 2011, Chapter 37 if you refer to those tomes. 

Many of us referred to ASHRAE's 1978 standard answers in the handbooks for years. Given the manufacturing and technology changes since then, research project TRP-1237 (Abramson et al. 2005) seeded the above-linked database to give this an update. 27,000 entries later, we have a much improved resource. 

So the next time you are wondering if an upgrade is an energy-only deal, find out the life of the equipment first and get the whole picture. 

Sharing the Knowledge

This blog is dedicated to sharing knowledge. Thank you for being part of it. 

We build up so many strategies, resources, tactics. Then we hold those close and hope to get project after project, holding our know-how to ourselves. I've done that enough. 

Here, I plan to share - along with the LinkedIn crowd and other places - something I learned, recently or long in the past.

From super-hands on tactical things like how to use your cell phone to get the rotating speed of a pump with an FFT program*, to business philosophy items like how to keep the high-test employees from saying goodbye without warning, I hope these are useful. 

I also hope you share somewhere, here or elsewhere. It's the community of people working together that will bring about the best results. 

Thanks again for being part of it, I'm grateful you're here. 


* yes this is possible, it used to take $4000 USD equpiment and now it's a $3 app called "FFT" on Android. Look it up, and pay for it - it's really, really cool.