Sharing the Knowledge
/This blog is dedicated to sharing knowledge. Thank you for being part of it.
We build up so many strategies, resources, tactics. Then we hold those close and hope to get project after project, holding our know-how to ourselves. I've done that enough.
Here, I plan to share - along with the LinkedIn crowd and other places - something I learned, recently or long in the past.
From super-hands on tactical things like how to use your cell phone to get the rotating speed of a pump with an FFT program*, to business philosophy items like how to keep the high-test employees from saying goodbye without warning, I hope these are useful.
I also hope you share somewhere, here or elsewhere. It's the community of people working together that will bring about the best results.
Thanks again for being part of it, I'm grateful you're here.
* yes this is possible, it used to take $4000 USD equpiment and now it's a $3 app called "FFT" on Android. Look it up, and pay for it - it's really, really cool.
Agitation flow is less than process-required flow in this case; the process only occurs during roughly (10) 90-second dips per day. The remaining time can have reduced pump speed.