GIS is Our Friend
/I'm impressed how the world of available resources out there for energy managers is growing - already enough to lend a firm significant self-help opportunity.
Among the offerings are in the GIS (geographic information system) field. For instance, if you're looking for historic weather data, this is very likely the best place at Utah State University's Climate GIS page:
This makes it very easy to get time-series data for weather analysis, internationally.
Another one I saw recently is Bonneville Power Administration's map of utility coverage (see header photo). Not a bad resource for anyone finding the right utility for a client.
And then there's an offering from my associate Brian Dwyer at BrAle Consulting in Argentina: A handy map of climate zones. If you need GIS help, Brian's well worth talking to, unless you need to DIY.
Please let me know if you've got a favorite source.
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Agitation flow is less than process-required flow in this case; the process only occurs during roughly (10) 90-second dips per day. The remaining time can have reduced pump speed.